Freedom of Information - Publication Scheme
Under Section 19 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Harrogate Healthcare Facilities Management Limited (trading as Harrogate Integrated Facilities), a wholly owned subsidiary company of Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust, has a duty to adopt and maintain a Publication Scheme.
The purpose of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 is to promote greater openness by public authorities and their subsidiaries.
Harrogate Integrated Facilities (HIF) is a wholly owned subsidiary company of Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust (HDFT) and supplies services to the hospital and community services with respect to Cleaning, Catering, Portering, Courier and Transport, Hotel Services, Estates Maintenance and Capital Delivery, Sterile Services, Medical Equipment, Security, Car Parking, General office and Administration, Energy, Waste and Environmental Impact Reduction, Consultancy and Business Development. We are a multi-cultural and multi-nationality workforce.
Organisational Structure: About Us
HIF Board: About Us
Contact us: Contact Us
Freedom of information requests:
Meet the Teams: Meet The Teams
Please see our HIF Business Plan: HIF Summary Business Plan 2024
Please see our Annual Reports and Accounts:
Annual Report and Accounts 2020-2021
Annual Report and Accounts 2021-2022
Annual Report and Accounts 2022-2023
All allowances and expenses are paid in accordance with the National Terms and Conditions of Employment, a copy of which is available via the Department of Health website:
Members of staff’s allowances are paid for the following reasons: unsocial hours, weekend work, Working Time Directive pay, night duty and recruitment and retention. Any expenses must be claimed by completing an expense claim form. Expenses can relate to study leave, travel, course/conference fees and subsistence.
To obtain details of the Harrogate Integrated Facilities’ staff pay and grading structures, please click here
HIF’s procurement services are provided by HDFT’s Procurement Team, who support the delivery of high quality patient care while ensuring value for money is achieved. The Trust is a member of the North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative and makes extensive use of the range of contracts they provide as well as the range of goods and services supplied or contracted by NHS Supply Chain. Suppliers are welcome to make enquiries or send information on the goods and services they can provide to
If you would like to enquire about working with us then please click here to view how to tender: Tender-with-Us
Details of contracts currently being tendered and value of contracts awarded can be accessed here:
Our mission is to be an exceptional provider of integrated facilities for the benefit of our communities, our staff and our partners.
HIF Summary Business Plan 2024
HIF has an established governance meeting and committee reporting structure which ensures decisions are made on our quality, governance and compliance is monitored and reported on a regular basis, providing assurance of our high-quality services.
Our HIF Board of Directors, and our three sub committees – ‘Quality and Governance’ ‘Innovation, Resource and Commercial’ and ‘People and Culture’, are our key committees undertaking this activity.
Please see our Board Minutes and Related Papers:
The following policies and procedures relate to the conduct of business and the provision of services:
Health and Safety: Health and Safety Policy
Risk Management: HIF Risk Management Policy
E-Rostering and Attendance Policy: Electronic Rostering Attendance Policy December 2023
Please click here to access the Register:
Find out more about what’s happening at HIF here: Latest News
The Patient Experience Team is on hand to listen to your feedback and help you with any concerns you might have over the quality of your care. More details on how the team operates can be found here:
We hold information regarding complaints, however the information will not normally be available to the public as it may contain references to patients or treatment received. This is classified as personal data under section 40 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Freedom of information requests:
HIF will not normally charge a fee for requests. Where a charge is made, documentation from the Information Commissioner’s Office, the FOI Fee Charging document and Using the Fees Regulations document will be used.
The Data Protection Policy outlines charges for subject access requests.
Other charges will be provided upon request via